Helping Stay-at-home Moms Discover Purpose, Transform Health, and Create Financial Freedom

Let's Go!

Flat Belly Challenge Resource Page

Designed to reframe your thoughts around money, health, relationships, self-love and motherhood.

How Can I Help You

My signature are like nothing else on the market, designed to reframe your thoughts around money, health, relationships, self-love and motherhood.

28-Day Flat Belly Challenge Exercises

Basic Plank/Forearm Plank

Complete this basic/forearm plank exercise on Days 1 and 10.

Plank Jumping Jacks

Complete the plank jumping jacks exercise on Days 2 and 14.

Donkey Kicks Plank

Complete this exercise on Days 3, 15 and 22.

Up-Down Plank

Complete this exercise on Days 4 and 16.

Side Dips

Complete this exercise on Days 5 and 17.

Cross-Under Planks

Complete this exercise on Days 6 and 18.

Mountain Climbers

Complete this exercise on Days 7, 13 and 19.

Bear Walk

Complete this exercise on Days 8 and 20.

Plank with Arm Taps

Complete this exercise on Day 9.

Plank Down Dog Toe Taps

Complete this exercise on Day 11.

Plank Elbow to Knee

Complete this exercise on Days 12 and 24.

Knee Tuck to Downward Dog

Complete this exercise on Day 22.

Alternating Arm/Leg Plank

Complete this exercise on Day 21.

Straight Arm Plank

Complete this exercise on Day 25.

Side Plank Leg Lifts

Complete this exercise on Day 26.

Superman Plank Hold

Complete this exercise on Day 27.

Bonus Belly Blasters

Side Plank with Hip Lift

Reverse Crunch

Dead Bug

Standing Elbow to Knee